~Featured Film~
In the future, where will we be and where will we go? I can imagine a future where we have moved beyond our differences and embrace our collective humanity. I can imagine technology that far exceeds our own possibilities and is beyond our current understanding. A future where we are fully integrated with technology yet connected to the earth and finding alternatives to rejuvenating the planet and it's natural resources. I can imagine a world full of peace and understanding, yet at the same time I can imagine the opposite. Endless wars and the over consumption of the earths natural resources. An irreversible dive into the planets demise and future with nothing left at all. Where do we want to go? Where do we want to be? I think these are the questions we can be asking ourselves that drives us towards a better direction. The Sun will eventually fade out and earth the same way, but what are we leaving behind? What can we do now to create a better future and even leave a brighter light?
Music: Somnus by Yoko Shimomura
Music: Somnus by Yoko Shimomura